Firemouth Pottery and Gallery
Firemouth Pottery and Gallery

How I got started in the beginning

When I was a kid I lived in Chicago. One of our family traditions was to go downtown to the “Loop” before Christmas to look at the Christmas decorations. At that time Marshall Field's was one of the biggest and fanciest department stores in town. They also had a huge toy department. As a young boy this was a very important stop for me on these excursions. The toy department was on the fourth floor of the store and we would take the escalator up to the fourth floor. One year when I was only about 7 or 8 years old there happened to be a potter from the Haeger Pottery doing demonstrations right where you changed escalators between floors. I was mesmerized. My mother had a hard time getting me to leave the demonstration and had to bring me back one more time to watch him after our visit to the toy department. I forgot about this until I went to college.

     When I signed up for pottery as an elective in college it was with the intent to kill a humanities requirement, and because it looked like fun. I didn’t remember my trip to Marshall Field’s as a young boy until my mother reminded me of it. I had no idea at that time that I was taking the first steps upon a road that would become a lifetimes journey. That was in 1972.

      I still look forward to getting into the studio today to play with the clay. I guess some kids just won't grow up.


Firemouth  Pottery Hours: We are currently closed for the winter except by appointment. To make an appointment please call and leave me a message.

Firemouth Pottery and Gallery
10344 Main Street
Boulder Junction, WI 54512
Phone: 715-904-2810 please leave message.



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Our selection of artwork changes often throughout the year so stop in regularly to see what is available.

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