Firemouth Pottery and Gallery
Firemouth Pottery and Gallery


Firemouth Pottery and Gallery participates in regular events and helps organize special occasions all year round. Below is an overview of current and upcoming events.

Calendar of Events

Firemouth is currently slowing down from our summer season and has reduced their late fall hours. 

Bill checking the burners during a firing.

Firemouth  Pottery Hours: We are currently closed for the winter except by appointment. To make an appointment please call and leave me a message.

Firemouth Pottery and Gallery
10344 Main Street
Boulder Junction, WI 54512
Phone: 715-904-2810 please leave message.



Or use our contact form

Current Work

Our selection of artwork changes often throughout the year so stop in regularly to see what is available.

Get Social With Us

Boulder Junction Chamber
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© Firemouth Pottery and Gallery